You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2010.

The free bed we’ve been saving in the closet for several months:

Typed with my nose.

New song by Ben Folds, lyrics by writer Nick Hornby. Recorded by YouTube music sensation, Pomplamoose.

If you just need pure silliness today, watch to the end.

Okay, I know, many of you want to string me up after merely reading the title of this post. Let me explain: I’m a jerk. I’m cynical and somewhat of a music snob. In no way have I or would I ever pretend to be able to write a worship song, or any song for that matter, but I have been subjected to numerous worship sets which made me feel like laughing or puking. (Neither option is preferable when singing to the Big Guy.) Additionally, I am the director of our church’s Worship Planning Team, so every week I consciously choose to let these and other songs which annoy me to be played, for the good of everyone else. So I am capable of group thinking. I just reserve the right to my opinion. And so do you. (So please tell me your own worst worship song).

This post is old (2004), but I just found it and it is so great. It is fun to read the comments, too, all 755 of ’em. I just wish “personman” would update his list for 2010.

Typed with my nose.


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